To call from Albania to Netherlands you need to dial: |
Phone Card | Rate, A$ | Connection Fee | Billing Increment | Details | Local access availability | |||||||||||||||
White Phone Card | 19.4 ¢/min | 89 ¢ | 3 min |
White Phone Card
Rate, A$: 19.4 ¢/min Connection Fee: 89 ¢ Billing Increment: 3 min Local availability
Phone Card | Rate, A$ | Connection Fee | Billing Increment | Details | Local access availability | |||||||||||||||
White Phone Card | 19.4 ¢/min | 89 ¢ | 3 min |
White Phone Card
Rate, A$: 19.4 ¢/min Connection Fee: 89 ¢ Billing Increment: 3 min Local availability
City | Code |
Amsterdam | 20 |
Arnhem | 26 |
de Meern | 30 |
Den Bosch | 73 |
Deventer | 570 |
Eindhoven | 40 |
Groningen | 50 |
Haarlem | 23 |
Heemstede | 23 |
Hillegersberg | 10 |
Hilversum | 35 |
Hoensbroek | 45 |
Hoogkerk | 50 |
Hoogvliet | 10 |
Houten | 30 |
IJsselstein | 30 |
Leiden | 71 |
Nieuwegein | 30 |
Nijmegen | 24 |
Oud Zuilen | 30 |
Oud Zuilen is part of Utrecht | |
Rotterdam | 10 |
The Hague (Den Haag) | 70 |
Utrecht | 30 |
Vught | 73 |
Zeist | 30 |